Saturday, July 31, 2010

Be Prepared!

Wow, its been a long time since I've posted on here! Ever since I last wrote, life has been pretty hectic. I've finished my Junior year at Baylor, been to camp, and taken a family vacation to Branson, MO. The Lord is faithful!

One thing that I've definitely had to keep in mind, especially going to camp and vacation, is to be prepared. Camp was especially a hard challenge, as I knew going into it there would be virtually no options for me. So, thankfully my youth group girls and I got placed in one of the dorms that had a refrigerator, so I cooked and cooked the day before we left, put it all in a cooler, and brought it along with me! It took a lot of planning and preparation, but it was totally worth it. I even found after I left that I had actually brought enough food for 2 weeks! Just goes to show that the Lord is definitely faithful, and I don't need to be as overly paranoid as I was!

Surprisingly enough, restaurants in Branson are very up on being gluten free! My dad and I were ordering food at a BBQ restaurant, and after asking for no bread they asked us if we were allergic to wheat, so from there they guided us to what we should and shouldn't have on their menu. I also went to Silver Dollar City, and every food place was on top of what they had that was gluten free and what was a no-go. I was very pleased and glad that my vacation wasn't going to be ruined because of my allergies. I still brought my own bread and bought a lot of snacks to keep in the hotel, but I ended up not needing most of them because there was plenty that I could have in town.

I'm glad to say that I've started incorporating soy back into my diet. It's been working pretty well! We'll see how the next few weeks go :)

I also must say, my friend Tiffany made me some GF, vegan chocolate cupcakes, and they were THE best cupcakes I've ever had!!! I'll have to ask her about the cookbook she used. I know the baker who wrote the cookbook has bakeries in NYC and LA.